Pepco Changes in Service Material Sales

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Pepco previously reviewed and approved Structural Facility Drawings for customers and sent a Material Control Letter. Pepco recently announced that they will no longer be the point of sales. Here is the change directly from Pepco:

“Dear Customers / Builders / Consultants:

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of a proposed change to the purchase of materials from Pepco for your residential and commercial projects. This change will take effect in January 2018. There will be additional communications regarding the details of the changes as we work through your projects.

Currently, for projects where the customers build structural facilities on private property or in public space, Pepco reviews and approves a Structural Facility Drawing. A Material Control Letter accompanies the Structural Facility Drawing approval, identifying materials to purchase from Pepco Stores for project use, such as transformer pads, splice boxes, manhole roof frames, manhole roof covers, etc.

The upcoming change is that Pepco will no longer be the point of sale for these items. A list of Pepco approved suppliers will provide such service instead. Pepco will still review and approve the Structural Facility Drawing, and issue the Material Control Letter listing the materials which may be needed. The customer will use this letter to make purchase arrangements with the designated approved suppliers or to purchase generic type items from the vendor of their choice. Our approved strategic suppliers will sell these materials to you at the same pricing currently paid by Pepco. This arrangement should improve the customers’ payment options, material availability, whole or partial pick up options, and job site delivery.

We will work hard to make this transition as smooth as possible. We will honor the outstanding Material Control Letters until December 31, 2017. A list of the approved Pepco suppliers and materials is attached for your review in advance of the change in 2018. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our service centers.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns:

District of Columbia: 202-331-6237/Fax: 202-388-2721

Montgomery County: 301-670-8700/Fax: 301-670-8718

Prince George’s County: 301-967-5800/Fax: 301-967-5820

Best Regards,

Pepco Engineering & Design”

We work with Pepco daily to provide dry utility design/coordination services to our clients. For a proposal on your dry utility project email or call 703-942-8700.


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DFM Development Services is the leading Red Tape Consultancy in the DC Metro Region, specializing in navigating complex and time-consuming regulatory processes for Real Estate Development and AEC Industry Professionals.

From expediting complex building permits and the bond release process to ensuring environmental compliance and precise dry utility design, our tailor-made approach empowers you to confidently move forward with your project, knowing you’ve successfully met all compliance requirements.

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