We are providing permit expediting and management services for Whole Foods Market, located at 800 New Jersey Ave SE. We have previously provided services on several other projects in the Capitol Riverfront neighborhood and we’re excited to continue working in the area. The new Whole Foods, which is currently under construction, will be 35,000 square feet and situated under the Agora, a luxury apartment building. It will be the 5th Whole Foods in Washington, D.C., and will feature a hot food bar, a wine bar, and a restaurant.
Need a permit expedited? Contact us today.
About DFM Development Services, LLC.
DFM Development Services, LLC provides development support services to real estate developers, contractors, home builders, property managers, and owners in the Washington, D.C. metro region. With strong connections to jurisdictional authorities throughout DC, Virginia, and Maryland, our experienced team can help you cut through the red tape of real estate development. Our core services include Bond Management, Permit Expediting, Environmental Compliance, Dry Utility Coordination, and Traffic Control Services.
Email us today at proposals@dfmdevelopment.com or call 703-942-8700 to discuss your next project.
image courtesy of Capitol Riverfront